Connie’s Unexpected Journey…

Having spent 40 years traveling the globe as a singer/songwriter, when I lost my voice, all that creativity had to go somewhere! Naturally, I continued writing and took up professional photography creating feature articles for glossy magazines, newspapers and blogs, then set off for four years in the Kenyan bush as corespondent for Distributed Rock Ministry.

While dodging every manner of dangerous peril, i.e. snakes, scorpions, brush fires, tribal warfare, sabotage, floods, sickness, angry mobs and one very aggressive bull elephant, my husband and I experienced what’s referred to as the “Peace of God that passes all understanding.”

Seriously, there’s no earthly explanation for remaining calm when a spitting cobra is inches away from your head. So, yes, Jesus is real, protected us in supernatural ways and birthed in me a new voice…not melodious as before, but compelling on the page.

So, welcome to an epic, fraught with impossible twists and turns, spiritual warfare and divine intervention, set amidst the breathtaking canvass of Scotland in the adventures of William Ridley and the Celtic Cross!

Held in the mighty palm of the Lord’s hand, we lived to tell the amazing stories of God’s grace, miraculous intervention and His glory shining in the darkest of places.  While those adventures are amply able to fill several novels, (yes, there’s one in the making) beneath the shadow of Mt. Ng’iro is where William’s story was born.

My husband and I cherish the people we lived alongside, sharing practical help, but more importantly, as daily survival was never guaranteed, the Good News of Salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ!

If you’d like to join the adventure, or learn more about Connie MacLeod Author William Ridley and the Celtic Cross, please  get in touch.  By providing your email, we’ll update on author & music events, plus exciting projects in the works!

About Connie MacLeod Author and Songwriter. Connie sits in the great hall of Tantallon Castle where all the action of William Ridley and the Celtic Cross begins. She is wearing a black and red plaid medieval gown, hand sewn with floor length black coat and red scarf holding her pen and journal on her lap.