Welcome to a World of Fantasmagorical & Sometimes …

Supernatural stories!

* Catapulting Your Way *

* AUGUST 27, 2024! *

One stormy night at Tantallon Castle and the discovery of a Celtic Cross are about to catapult William Ridley into battle with forces unseen!  But, how will his friends react when they hear he’s been attacked by demons? And…even if they believe him, how will he stand against a legion of dark forces intent on destroying him?


Set amid Scotland’s legendary landscape and often bloody history, the spiritual warfare is real, the path often dark. Yet, despite deathly peril and heart-breaking betrayal, William must engage the enemy, or risk losing everyone he holds dear.



Steve Brown - Founder Key Life Network - Author of A Scandalous Freedom

“Batten down the hatches!” William Ridley and the Celtic Cross is a great and exciting story, but it’s far more than that. This book will teach you history, touch your heart and bring laughter and tears. But, maybe more importantly, it will remind you that beyond everyday life, there is a supernatural battle in which all believers are involved. Read this book and remember, you’ll be glad you did!”

Steve Brown

Author – A Scandalous Freedom | Founder – Key Life Network

 Do you like to read about the works of God in history? Do you like to immerse yourself in a Gospel adventure? Do you have an inquiring imagination and do you like to see Christ triumph? 

Then I would highly recommend Connie’s book; “William Ridley and the Celtic Cross.” It’s a book filled with adventure for the young Christian, as well as good reading for the enquirer among you. An excellent mixture of spiritual realities and teenage trials.

Lose yourself in William Ridley’s adventures as you think about some of the most important issues we all face.

Brian Lowrie

CEO Mad Ministries, Scotland

              Making a Difference with God’s Love one life at a time!

Connie MacLeod - writing in Samburu Kenya

Connie MacLeod has traveled the globe and writes from the experience of walking a path filled with unusual twists and turns, breathtaking beauty, heart-stopping terrors and miraculous rescues. All while trusting in the One whose plan for us is beyond our wildest imaginings!

Connie MacLeod Author William Ridley and the Celtic Cross

Releasing 2024

Thanks so very much to my dear brothers and friends Steve Brown at Key Life Ministries and Brian Lowrie at MaD Ministries for your heartfelt encouragement and glowing endorsements! I’m so blessed to have you both along on this journey! 


While there’s still tons of work before our cover reveal, trust me, it’s well worth the wait! Then God willing, on August 27th, a release of a fiction I pray will impact a whole new generation of readers!


Stay in touch for exciting news & events leading up to William Ridley and the Celtic Cross by sending us your email.